You’re Hired! / Get Hired! (YH! / GH!): is a six-week in person / online college / career readiness & workforce development workshop designed to equip youth age 14+ with tools needed to apply to college or other post-secondary learning, identify funding; secure and retain employment, volunteer opportunities, internships, etc.
YH! / GH! workshop sessions are once per week for two and half hours. Workshop covers the following:
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YH! / GH! bootcamp and intensives are also available.
Program alumnus talks with teens at Overbrook High School about experiences of being a college student and entrepreneur during speaker series.
Teens at host site during open discussion about preparing for an interview.
You’re Hired! / Get Hired! Workshop includes additional events that give teens opportunities to practice skills learned during workshops to gain firsthand knowledge and real-world college and work experiences from diverse groups of area thought leaders, influencers and advocates from a wide spectrum of professions. Events include: