
Parent Testimonials

My daughter Jercara …enjoyed and learned daily at this program.

Nya J.

[Miles] “…was expecting it to be boring. He said it was…fun.

Akilah E.

[Shyann] “…talked to new …people [and] learned some new things. I’m thankful we’re connected.

Angelique G.

Program Partners

  • … Accepted! program was an opportunity for… Path to Greatness to partner with The Murals of the Mind Project… [We were] provided with space and materials… to execute workshops with GREATNESS. [We] had support from their team throughout the whole week. Overall, it was a wonderful experience.

    Lavon Howard
    Founder of Path to Greatness
  • Facilitators were successful in creating safe space for youth to have positive discussions about topics ranging from relationship building, teen stress, anxiety, physical intimacy, emotional intimacy, bullying, trusting adults and most importantly education at the high school level. Students seemed to be initially shy, but then opened up to engage in group exercises that would challenge them to think critically about identity and academic standings. Accepted! …is necessary and much needed for youth.

    James Owk
    Workshop Facilitator, Literacy Professional and Youth Advocate
Of Workshop attendees participate in additional programs
Of College and career readiness scholars secure summer jobs, internships or volunteer
of scholars return as mentors, guest speakers, and junior facilitators

Guest Speakers

  • I enjoyed speaking at the You’re Hired! speaker series and sharing my professional journey. The students mostly seemed engaged and ready with questions. I’d definitely recommend other professionals to speak for the series.

    David Jamison, Ph.D.
  • [You’re Hired! Career Readiness Workshop] It’s the perfect pairing of passion meeting purpose. It’s super resourceful, inspiring, motivating and fun. Any young person would benefit by being in this class. At a time when more and more people want to work for themselves or take a different path this class can help build a blueprint in your mind of each professionals journey, showing that we all have different backgrounds and experiences but they’ve gotten us here. 

    Stacey Wilson
  • Kenyetta is like my work mother, so I felt right at home as soon as I walked into the room. She has a warm, welcoming persona about her. I would absolutely recommend others because this is a great way to help young people build faith in themselves. 

    Tarun Kunwar

Interested in getting involed?

Mailing Address
1703 Pine Street, Suite 104
Philadelphia, PA 19103